Sara here - I work with the members in the 21st Century Program at the Club after school & we wanted to connect with our members through the Virtual Learning Blog. Check back every week for a new activity, challenge, or experiment!
For this week's activity I thought we could practice learning how to be mindful and master the art of mindfulness...
What is mindfulness?
“Mindfulness is the psychological process of purposely bringing one's attention to experiences occurring in the present moment without judgment, which one develops through the practice of meditation and through other training.”
In other words, it is being able to recognize what is happening at that very moment either to your body or your surroundings.
for facts on how mindfulness can help students.
Activity Instructions:
● Find a comfortable quiet area in your house and lay down on your back and relax
● Bend your knees and place your feet on the floor (
see picture)
● Feel free to play calming meditation music if you like (I have attached some of my favorites
● Close your eyes
● Recognize how your feet feel up against the surface you are on
● Recognize what your arms and hands feel like laying by your side
● Is your body cold or warm? Are your toes and fingertips touching something smooth or soft?
● Now with your eyes still closed, really focus in on your breathing taking deep slow breaths.
● Recognize the noises you hear in your surroundings.
● Lay there calmly for about 5-10 minutes with your eyes closed and really try to focus on how your body feels and what's happening in your surroundings.
● Keep your mind in the present/
If you're feeling up to it, try practicing this technique several times this week. Our bodies and surroundings are always changing! For more mindfulness activities check out these great websites below! I have also included a few mindfulness games below that you can play at home.
Remember, being mindful has many positive effects for you and your body, so keep practicing how to be a mindful SHINING STAR!